Tickvet is a natural veterinary product to repel bloodsucking insects, especially fleas and ticks.
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Psychosomatics in veterinary medicine
Psychosomatics is nowadays a recognized field of medicine, especially in human medicine, but also in veterinary medicine is...
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Imunovet and healing of open wounds
There are situations where it is not reasonable to put the dog under anesthesia to suture the laceration. Or situations where...
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Hyperthyroidism of cats
Hyperthyroidism, or pathologically elevated thyroid function, is the second most common endocrinopathy in cats. The cause is usually...
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Patch after tick bite, coat renewal
The castor bean tick, Ixodes ricinus, is an arachnida known to belong to the Ixodidae family. We know...
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Dogs in Heat
IT’S SPRING... and with it female dogs being in heat. Or what to do with the male dog when the female dog is in heat?
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Yellow ribbon
A yellow bow or ribbon indicates a dog who, for a variety of reasons, needs to be given space.
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Touches that bring relief
When I first applied a butterfly massage to an animal, I believed in its power. Not by chance did I find ...
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It is spring, it is getting warmer, and we need to think about protecting our four-legged friends from ticks. And since we will now be seeing more of ...
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Aquatherapy / Hydrotherapy and Kingvet
Physiotherapy and rehabilitation for animals focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of ...
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Eye examination in animals
The examination of animal eyes is very similar to the examination of human eyes and should be part of the basic examination, as general disease is associated with ocular involvement in many cases.
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Warts on puppies
Warts on young dogs are most often of infectious origin, caused by the papillomavirus. They are contagious to other dogs (not to other animal species or humans).
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Metamorphic technique for animals
The metamorphic technique, known as butterfly massage, is a gentle harmonizing technique that is applied to the spinal reflex zones on the feet, hands and head in humans.
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