Case report

Warts on puppies

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Warts on young dogs are most often of infectious origin, caused by the papillomavirus. They are contagious to other dogs (not to other animal species or humans). Warts usually look like wrinkled cauliflower-shaped formations or dark, scaly plaques on the skin with an irregular edge. They appear on the skin and mucous membranes.

Nineteen days after vaccination, a Staffordshire terrier puppy came to my office because he had developed a large number of warts within a few days, particularly on his head, chin, around his eyes, on his lips, but also in his mouth and under his tongue. They were quite big and jagged (see photo). Because the causative agent of these warts in dogs is papillomavirus, and also because it is a skin condition, the choice of the product was clear. Virovet. A herbal product that is closely related to the Metal element. It increases the resistance of mucous membranes and skin and stimulates the formation of antibodies to all types of viral infections. Puppies are more susceptible to various infections in the post-vaccination period, so it is highly advisable to support their immunity. There are several options; I have added Imunovet to Virovet, which supports the body's defense, activates cellular immunity and aids mucosal and skin healing. And it can also be used topically on wounds. Frisko should be given it twice a day, along with his food. The dog came for a follow-up in ten days. The condition had not improved and some new warts had appeared. However, I reassured myself and the owner that it was necessary to stay on track, be patient and continue to administer the products.

„Herbal remedies work, you just need to be patient. Don't expect to see the effect in an hour.“
Veterinarian Miroslava Můčková Uzlová, DVM

Existuje několik druhů papilomavirů, které způsobují bradavice u psa na různých částech těla (například jedny v ústech a jiné na nohou). Jakmile se pes nakazí jedním druhem papilomaviru, získává vůči němu imunitu. Ale může se nakazit dalšími typy. Psí bradavice může dostat každý pes, ale nejčastěji se objevují u mladých jedinců a psů s léky na potlačení imunity.

There are several types of papillomaviruses that cause warts on dogs on different parts of the body (for example, some in the mouth and others on the feet). Once a dog becomes infected with one type of papillomavirus, it acquires immunity to that virus. But it can become infected with other types. Any dog can get dog warts, but they are most common in young dogs and dogs on immunosuppressant drugs.
Frisko arrived for his next follow-up after a month and still had warts. We were getting pretty desperate as the warts around his eyes and under his tongue in particular were bothering him a lot. Because of the location around the eyes and on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, I didn't dare to choose topical products that I use for warts on older dogs. Fortunately, I had the idea to use Audivet topically, a herbal product designed for external use. It works on inflammation of the mucous membranes and skin. It adjusts the pH of the skin and mucous membranes, which are critical to the permeability of the skin barrier, and prevents the growth of unwanted bacteria, fungi and parasites.

Papillomatosis in dogs
Onemocnění se projevuje světlými výrůstky, které se rychle šíří a rostou do podoby květákovitých papilomů s malými nitkovitými výběžky. Jejich velikost se pohybuje okolo 2 cm. Nejčastěji je můžeme nalézt na sliznici dutiny ústní, okraji pysků, hrtanu a mandlích. Mimo dutinu ústní se vyskytují na víčkách a spojivce očí, kůži hlavy a spodních částí končetin.

The disease is manifested by pale growths that spread rapidly and grow into cauliflower-shaped papillomas with small thread-like projections. Their size is around 2 cm. They are most commonly found on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, the edges of lips, larynx and tonsils. Outside the oral cavity, they are found on the eyelids and conjunctiva of the eyes, scalp and lower limbs.
It has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal effects. I have had excellent experience with Audivet when using it on gingivitis in cats, so I knew we could use it safely on warts on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and, of course, to treat warts on the skin. Then I heard nothing about Frisko for three months. I had many guesses as to why. After three months, Frisko came to get Skelevet and did not have a single wart on him. I asked when he had got rid of them. They disappeared on the third day after the Audivet application! Wonderful!

"Enjoy caring for your animal friends. Feel every touch and the healing energy that jumps between you. It's a necessity when caring for skin.“
Veterinarian Miroslava Můčková Uzlová, DVM author of the article

Internal administration of Virovet and Imunovet together with topical application of Audivet is a beautiful trio for fighting warts. I am very happy. Due to the large number of warts and the problems that the warts were causing for Frisko, especially affecting his ability to swallow and his eyes, we could not wait for the spontaneous disappearance of the warts, which takes months. If we had not succeeded with conservative therapy, we would have had to remove some of the warts surgically. Although I like surgery, I am an advocate of preventing surgery and only operating when all other options fail. Moreover, the dog is infectious and therefore Frisko could not have been around other dogs for long time. As we all know, social contact between puppies is extremely important and irreplaceable. Warts are transmitted from infected dogs to those individuals who have weakened or injured skin. The papillomavirus can survive on the skin for several weeks and, in that time, others can become infected from an infected dog. It usually takes one to two months after infection for the warts to appear. Frisko was not allowed to attend the dog training centre, and this was obviously very unpleasant. I would also recommend giving Virovet to dogs that have come into contact with an infected individual.

Papillomatosis in deer
Pro přežvýkavce jsou specifické delta-papilomaviry. Způsobují vývin kožních výrůstků různě po těle, často u zdravých jedinců. Tělo je pokryté kožními výrůstky, které jsou obvykle stopkaté. Jeden jedinec jich na sobě může mít desítky. Nejsou pro zvířata smrtelné a většinou po čase odpadnou a zůstane po nich jizva. V ČR byly poprvé popsány na Jižní Moravě, v oblasti Lanžhota a Moravské Nové Vsi.

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