Answered questions


Sender: Carmen Rebelo
Date: 21.12.2024
Age: 12
Weight: 12 jg
Food type: Home made

Energy drops

Thank you for your answer,but unfortunately in Romania we do not have psychologist vets;neither do any of them believe or recommend supplements or homeopathy medicine,so I have to research myself and try my best!

Answer: Dear Carmen, wishing you all the best with your doggy! Merry Christmas and a great 2025! Kind regards, Martina Energy Customer Care

Sender: Carmen Rebelo
Date: 18.12.2024
Age: 12 years
Weight: 12kg
Food type: Home made


I can´t touch my dog to groom or anything else.That why I ask if I can give him etovet and korovet?!He is ok otherwise!

Answer: Good day Carmen, here the answer from the Head of Veterinary products Etovet and Korovet can be given together, of course it is better to give one drop and maybe another after 5 minutes, rather than mixing it together, e.g. for feeding... If the dog cannot be touched, it is not something to be solved with herbs (Etovet can calm the dog, yes, Korovet in this indication is not helping). It is something to be solved by a dog psychologist and towards an individual therapy using homeopathy, Bach essences, etc. Kind regards, Martina Energy Customer Care

Sender: Dijana
Date: 18.12.2024
Age: 10
Weight: 20
Food type: kibble

method of administering the product

Hello, The dog´s food was changed to a veterinary diet which he occasionally refuses, for example, he used to eat three times a day regularly and now he only eats the food he got in the morning in the evening. Therefore, I have a problem with giving the products, my question is can the products be given directly into the mouth regardless of whether he has eaten? He should take annovet, imunovet, cytovet, probiovet and omegavet. Thanks in advance.

Answer: Good afternoon, products except Imunovet (it must be with food or in a treat) and Omegavet (oil that is added to the food) can be given directly into the dog´s mouth. Kind regards, Martina Energy Customer Care

Sender: Dijana
Date: 16.12.2024
Age: 10
Weight: 20
Food type: kibble

recomended dosage of Cytovet

Hi, My dog has 20 kg, how many capsules would you reccomend in a day, 2x1 or 2x2? She is also using annovet, imunovet, omegavet and probiovet. Thank you.

Answer: Good morning, for your dog of this weight, 2x1 capsule of Cytovet is sufficient, one hour apart from the other products. Have a nice day, Martina Energy Customer Care

Sender: Carmen Rebelo
Date: 16.12.2024
Age: 12years
Weight: 12kg
Food type: Home made

Energy drops

Can I give him etovet and korovet (or virovet), together or in same day or?!

Answer: Good afternoon, thank you for your question. You may combine Etovet and Korovet at the same day. If you send us more info on the problem you try to solve, I could elaborate more on the use of the products. Have a nice day, Martina Energy Customer Care

Sender: Carmen Rebelo
Date: 08.11.2024
Age: 15
Weight: 9kg
Food type: Cooked

Energy drops

May I use 2 or3 of products per day?

Answer: Good morning, thank you for your question. It depends which products you plan to use, they can be combined, however please note that Pentagram concentrates can´t be combined together besides Vironal. Should you have any further questions, please don´t hesitate to let me know. Kind regards, Martina Energy Customer Care

Sender: Tivadar Cristine
Date: 23.10.2024
Age: 12
Weight: 8,5 kg
Food type: Boch sensitive renal

Mitral disease B2

Hello My puppy was diagnosed with B2 mitral disease, mitral valve with degenerative lesions. Moderately dilated left cord. What Energy products could you recommend for this disease.Thank you!

Answer: Hello and thank you for your question! For your puppy, we suggest alternating Regavet and Kingvet. Regavet for 1 week, then 1 week break, and put on Kingvet for a week - alternate this cycle, plus cardio checks. Should you have any questions, please don´t hesitate to let me know. I sincerely hope your puppy will get better. Kind regards, Martina Energy Customer Care

Sender: Stella
Date: 26.08.2024
Age: 11 yrs
Weight: 14 lbs
Food type: Dry kibbles


Hi my dog has a growth coming out of her mouth she´s had it for a while now it´s wrapped around one of her teeth in order to get rid of that gross I have to pull the tooth I´m afraid to do that cuz she´s over age she´s around 11:00 or 12:00 years I don´t know how she would handle surgery like that is there anything you have on the market I could put on that and help it heal up go away on its own with some stuff any kind of ointment or salve please let me know thank you also where are you located

Answer: Good morning, thank you for your question. The growth from the mouth will not be solved with herbs... we suggest to have an examination done to find out what is it. It can be dealt with further according to that the results.It can also be inflamed tissue from a rotting tooth....which again needs to be checked by the vet doctor. For desinfection now, you may use our product Audivet. All products are available online, we ship with DHL. Should you need any assistance with ordering, please dont hesitate to contact me back. Kind regards, Martina Energy Customer Care

Sender: Monika Hayerova
Date: 23.05.2024
Age: 9
Food type: kure, ryba, konzervy


Dobry den Chtěla bych vedet kdy se nemá podávat Kingvet při dýchacích problémech ? Letak píše opatrnost při vazních plicních onemocnění.

Answer: Dobrý den, děkujeme za Vaši otázku. Kontraindikace je pouze u koní s dýchacími obtížemi, kteří mají sklony ke kolikám. Pokud byste potřebovala další informace, potřebujeme více informací ohledně stavu vašeh mazlíčka. Děkujeme, Martina Energy Customer Care

Sender: Hajnalka Kiffer
Date: 31.10.2023
Age: 6 month beagle
Weight: 10
Food type: Specific medium puppy

Nervous dog

Dear Energyvet, I am hoping you can point me to the right direction. We have a 6 month old beagle puppy who is extremly scared from everything, other than dogs. Noises, people, cars, buses even from the wind. We have him since he was 2 month old. He had giardiasis and got treatment for that 4 times 5 days of antibiotics, finally he is in the clear now. I am wondering which product would be suitable for him or if the products are suitable for puppy´s? I am waiting for your reply Kind regards,

Answer: Dear Energy Customer, thank you for your question. Your 6-month-old puppy is already fine for our drops, you can try Etovet 2 times a day 2 drops, 3 weeks and repeat after a week break. It would be necessary to comprehensively solve the nature and psyche of the dog... Plus can try CBD oil Cannabivet, 1 drop per 5 kg of weight. If I may assist any further, please let me know. Martina Energy Customer Care

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